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YICT Launches its First Inland Container Depot in Dongguan
YICT Launches its First Inland Container Depot in Dongguan£¨18-8-2009£©

Yantian International Container Terminals (YICT) is pleased to announce that operations have begun at its first inland container depot in Dalingshan Town, Dongguan City. Local shippers can now pick up empty containers at the facility, which is located closer to factories and cargo sources, and return empty import containers to the depot after unloading them. This saves them the time and money of trucking them back to YICT.

With the support of the Shenzhen government, YICT opened the inland depot to better meet the needs of the many factories that are migrating to China's interior. The 3.12-hectare facility can assist these factories by providing 24/7 storage, management, cleaning and repair of up to 8,000 TEU at a location that is not far from the crossing of the Changping-Humen Highway and National Highway 107.

Liu Zukun, Manager of Dongguan Yongxin Logistics Company Limited, recently summed up the advantages of the new depot. He said, "Previously, we had to pick up import containers from Yantian Port and unload them in the factories, and then we had to return the empty containers to Yantian. But now we can just return the empties to Dalingshan, and move on with our next order. We are now able to make two rounds a day at just one round's cost." 

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YICT launches its first inland container depot in Dongguan for faster and efficient cargo transport.

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